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Senior Level Management
Written by Rebecca Stokes, CPRW

45 Denver Avenue Phone (555) 555-5555
Alexandria, Virginia 55555 Fax (555) 555-5555



Dear Name:

I have had a successful career as President, COO and Vice President of Sales & Marketing for several major corporations. Most recently, I played a key role in the start-up of an advertising promotional firm, rapid growth of an emerging Internet venture, and aggressive market expansion of a specialized global manufacturer.

To each, I have provided the strategic and tactical leadership, addressing unique challenges and delivering solid financial gains. In fact, in all instances, I was asked to join the senior management team in a permanent role. Unfortunately, none of these positions was the "right" opportunity.

My goal is a senior-level position where I can provide corporate development, marketing and/or operating leadership. The breadth of my experience is extensive and includes:

  • Full P&L and operating management responsibility at the corporate and divisional levels for major consumer packaged goods, durable goods and house wares/hardgoods businesses.
  • Oversight of countless product development, commercialization, global manufacturing and market launch programs.
  • Expertise in new business development, strategic marketing, and leadership of multi-channel sales and distribution networks.
  • Aggressive control of accelerating operation, marketing and overhead costs with consistent improvements in net profit contributions.

I would welcome the chance to explore any current search assignments you feel appropriate for a candidate with my qualifications. Please note that I wish to remain in the Washington/Baltimore region. Thank you.


Erik J. DeMarco


Rebecca Stokes, President of The Advantage, is a Certified Professional Resume Writer, contributor to seven nationally recognized resume and cover letter presentation books, and has been featured in several articles published in a national career magazine. You can contact her via email at or toll free at 800-922-5353.

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